Resolutions Update: January, 2016

As most people do, I put together a list of resolutions for 2016. I've been tracking a few of these resolutions (with a great app called Momentum which I highly recommend).

Here is a summary of my January:

  • Reading: 27/31 days. Books Read: 3. Two of these are the first 2 books in the Edmund Morris trilogy on Teddy Roosevelt. Long story short, I've become obsessed with Teddy Roosevelt this month. There's an entire blog post I should write just on Teddy but that's for another time.
  • Exercise: 24/31 days. A lot of this has been 7 minute work outs. Also a good amount of free weights.
  • Meditating: 26/31 days. This is entirely new for me. Everyday after I shower, I meditate for 10 minutes. I use (and also highly recommend) an app called Headspace to facilitate this.
  • Daily Journal: 7/31 days. I started off strong here but failed quickly. Basically I couldn't find a good consistent time in my schedule to make this work. I enjoyed writing it for those 7 days. If I can find a consisten time that'll work, I can see this one working.
  • Public Writing: 1/4 weeks. This is also a fail. Basically, going from not writing to writing on a consistent basis has been a difficult change. Need to figure out how to make it happen.
  • Alcohol Consumption: 18/31 days. I don't actually have a goal for how much I want to drink or not drink. Started tracking though so I thoughts it'd be interesting to share.
  • Launched IsraelWeekly : This has been something I've wanted to do forever. Its a weekly newsletter that goes out and summarizes the past week of Israel related news. I started it because there's so much news on Israel (and issue in an of itself) which makes it very difficult for non Israel news addicts to keep up with what's going on. I got to 50 subscribers by end of January (my original goal was 200) so need to work on that.

These are just my personal (non work related) goals. Overall I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made. Improving on the writing side is definitely a next step I need to take. Any tips on how to make it happen?